Enrolment Information
Nature's Explorers Private Kindergarten
is open Monday to Friday, from 7.30am - 5.30pm
Enrolment sessions
7.5 hour session
10 hour session (minimum 2 days)
4 hour session (minimum 5 sessions/limited sessions available)
Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Enrolment age
Families can enrol their children from 2 years of age.
Only 30 children can be accepted for enrolment each day.
You are invited to register your interest in enrolment as early as possible so that your child can enjoy the high-quality education programme at Nature’s Explorers.
We receive Ministry of Education funding to help pay a portion of our teaching employment costs.
Your fees also pay for teacher's wages, the high level of quality resources, equipment, and staffing professional development.
Fees also pay for administration, ICT costs, art, and consumable products not covered by the Ministry of Education funding.
Fees are payable each day enrolled, including public holidays.
20 Hours ECE
Most children over 3 years old are eligible for 20 hours ECE.
This is a subsidy that enables us to significantly reduce the fees charged each day.
This subsidy used to be called 20 Hours Free but the government changed the name when they realised most early childhood services costs were higher than the subsidy received.
Work and Income subsidy forms are available for eligible families. Please check eligibility by calling your local Work and Income office.
We also have brochures at the kindergarten for you to read and check eligibility.
Waitlist criteria
Children over 4 years of age have first-priority placement status to ensure they have the opportunity to benefit from quality early childhood education before starting school.
Siblings, children of employees, and current enrolments wanting to extend their sessions also have priority status on the waiting list.
All other children are placed on the waiting list until a position becomes available.
Subject to fee payment policy
An optional charge is requested for four-hour sessions. These charges include: Forest walks - $1 per hour, School visits - $1 per hour, Sunblock - $1 per day, Printed portfolio - $1 per week, and better ratios than MOE requirement - $3 per hour. Please confirm your agreement at enrolment/
Families pay fees a minimum of one week in advance via electronic payment on the Thursday of the preceding week.
Fees may be increased in line with review and pay parity agreement by the MOE.
Cash is not accepted to ensure staff and children’s safety, and to minimise administration costs being added to fees.
A one-off ‘enrolment fee’ of $70 is charged and covers administration fee, profile folders, electronic file of your child's learning documentation, sunhat, wet bag, and photos at Nature's Explorers.
A yearly printing fee is charged at $20 per child on a pro-rata basis.
The kindergarten remains open through school holidays and closes briefly for the statutory holidays over the Christmas holiday period.
Families are welcome to take holidays.
Fees are payable throughout the year.
Teacher only day
One day per year the kindergarten closes for a teachers-only day.
We value this time as integral in ensuring your children experience the highest quality teaching staff and education programme.
Fees are payable on this day.
A minimum of 3 months' notice is given to all families about the kindergarten's closure on this day.